Tracing the Hairstons is a feature-length documentary that explores the journey of the Hairston’s, one of America’s largest slave holding families from both the black and white perspective. Tracing the Hairstons reveals the struggles and triumphs of a family that is bound by a name through the worst atrocity in American History. This film allows Hairston’s themselves to tell their legacy stories. These Hairston’s tell stories of hardship, pain, bravery, plantation life, the “South” as it once was, triumph and legacy.
Interweaving her search for her African ancestors, director Princess A. Hairston unravels the history of the largest slave-holding family in the U.S. through the personal stories of Black and white individuals in the Hairston clan as her journey unveils a harrowing, hidden familial history, exposing America’s distorted narrative about slavery.
Tracing the Hairstons is a fiscally sponsored project of the Southern Documentary Fund: To help Tracing the Hairstons reach its goals, please consider making a tax-deductible donation online through the Southern Documentary Fund.
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